67 border Illigal

Only Pakistan and Great Britain  confirmed this border. All other nations of the world did not.


History – British Mandate – League of Nations decided that whole of Palastine – Israel and Jordan will be given  to the Jewish people to create a new state in this area.

1948  Israel was founded. Israel submitted to the deviding  plan of the UN but the Arab nations did not – Jordan attacked Israel and occupied Judea – Samaria. The annexted it 1950 with having no legal right to it…1950.  1988 Jordan gave up the right to control the West – Bank… so now only  Israel has a legal right on the now called West-Bank… at the defensive war 1967 – Israel was  attacked because Jordan and won back Judea – Samaria and East Jerusalem.


There are historicially no Palastiniens…the Arabs cannot pronounce  P…they speak Arabic – so their forefathers  came mostly from Arab nations.


Only Israel has a historical right on Judea – Samaria. Since 1967  Israel has a legal right on Judea – Samaria.


To withdraw the little nation of Israel to the 67 illigal borders would endanger the lives of over 600.000 Israelis.


Homat Shmuel – Har Homa is not in East Jerusalem. It is an officialy bought land by Israel.


I hope there will never ever be an Arab State within Judea – Samaria. They call themselves now Palestinias but they even cannot  speak out the P because it doesn’t exist in the Arab Alphabet. There are historcially no Palestinian people – only Jewish people had a Palestinian passport before 1948.


I think that they should submit under Israel. Enjoy the freedom and liberty and democracy in Israel or submit to their former occupier of Judea – Samaria – Jordan.

Interview in Judea

it is German subtiteled but is an English program: „Friede zwischen juedischen Siedlern und Arab builders“

for German -English programs: See Youtube Lichtblick Joy-Music-Video Gertraud Mayer